Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 27: Non Judgemental Observation

Day 27
PM Yoga Flow 25 minutes

Unfortunately last night (as I was up too late to make any sense, if you recall) I was walking to the guest room and I stepped on an unidentified object that wrapped around the big toe on my right foot and caused it to twist. Fortunately before I could fall to the floor, I landed in a chair, so my right ankle didn't twist too badly at all. Aargh. This is the ankle that I sprained horribly ON MY DUE DATE and was swollen and painful - and never quite right - until Jude was about 3 months old. Aargh. This morning, my big toe is swollen and black and blue and beautifully bruised. Aargh.  It looks like I will be sticking to some gentle yoga until the toe heals. Did I say aargh??

My little turkey... well he's more of "a ham".

Non judgemental observation was my mantra tonight as I meditated and did my relaxation flow. Meditation is challenging for me (as I'm sure it is for everyone to some degree) because I can't seem to quiet my mind. Getting frustrated doesn't help. Getting lost in my thoughts doesn't help. Judging myself and what a terrible meditator (yeah, that's not a real word) I am doesn't help. So, instead, when thoughts come into my mind as they repeatedly do, I am trying to let them pass without judgment. Attempting to observe them without judging them as positive or negative. If I acknowledge them, perhaps "tag" them, then I can let them pass and try to stay in the moment as best I can. It's my current strategy - it seems to help a bit. My thoughts seems to wander into both the past and future. They also wander into a past that never was and a future that probably never will be.

This reminds me of a NEW quote - a morsel of wisdom if you will - from my amazing Uncle Cliff : "Maybe I'm not what I could be. Maybe I'm not what I should be. But, I'm better than I used to be." ... or something along those lines.

Perfect just the way we are.

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