Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 38: Sleep, sleep, sleep

Day 38
PM Yoga Flow 15 minutes

Confession: I cheated. Just a little bit. Usually when I settle down for my PM relaxation flow I light candles, sit in silence, meditate, and really focus in on myself and my body. Today was rough. Usually the baby wakes up in the morning and 2 hours later - like clockwork - he's tuckered out and ready for a nap. Today that happened, as usual. However, after he was nursed, rocked, and soundly asleep, as soon as I layed him into his crib he woke up and screamed. This cycle repeated itself at least four times. It took 5 hours from the time he woke up to the time he finally settled in for a nap - which only lasted one hour tops.

I thought tonight for sure he'd go to sleep. He was soooo tired. We had our usual "splash-splash" where he was the happiest baby ever splashing around in the tub, jammies, clean diaper, lullabies, rocking, nursing, and storytime. Then it was time to put the sweetly sleeping infant in his crib. Like every night where he may fuss a bit but with a little binkie action he settles in for the night - well, for a couple of hours. Unfortunately, he repeated his reaction from earlier in the day. He was pissed! He DID finally settle in and is sleeping in his crib now (I think). But, it took a full hour and a half longer than usual.

SO - my point. I practiced yoga while I watched GLEE (that I DVR'd from earlier). Maybe this is cheating. I don't care. I'm the only one judging here, right????

And I think I just heard the baby stirring.....


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