Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 15

I just put my 3 year old to bed for the last time. Sniffle. Tear. 
This guy ... 
I am so proud of him. Every single day. Some days I'm quick to be driven crazy and it makes me feel terrible. Because that's me being tired or distracted or impatient. Most days though I'm able to slow down and enjoy this world through his beautiful blue eyes. 

Today we ended up at the World Forestry Center. We had the place pretty much to ourselves. So we had about this much fun the entire time ... 
3 has been Huge. A baby sister, a year of preschool, a new cousin, getting dressed, superheroes galore, turning on lamps, and lots of peeing in the front yard. Just to mention a few milestones. All year long though, we've been looking ahead to four. It's been an amazing motivational tool as in, "Oh, only four year olds know how to put on their own pants. Maybe when you're four you can reach that lamp." Followed by, "Look mom! Your 3 year old can do it!" And now we're on the eve of four and I kind of want to just soak up every single second of this year. Every day. Every moment. I'm so damn lucky to get to spend every single day with him. 

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