Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 14

Um sorry it's been over 45 days since I posted last! That was my goal - right?! 

I'm nursing my 8 month old baby girl at almost 6am. She's getting a top tooth - number 3! I've been so enjoying her two toof smile for 5 months but now she's moving on up! She now pulls herself up to stand on any piece of furniture available, sits herself up, lowers herself down, and is starting to cruise around the perimeter of the train table. She gets frustrated when she feels stuck but I get a huge smile when I offer my hand to assist her in moving on. Here she is napping outside this morning ... 

And 4 years ago today at 11am my water broke! That means the original bear cub's fourth birthday is coming up in two days from now! Here he is browsing the toy aisle at Fred Meyers ...
We had a beautifully chaotic birthday party Saturday with 15 kids in our backyard. There was a ball pit, tent, crawling tunnels, teepee, sand table, basketball hoop, soccer, and it was a fantastic free for all! 
What a perfect way to kick off our summer break! He also finished Chipmunk preschool this last week. I've heard it a million times, "they grow up so fast" and, yes, they do. 

All I can do is *bask*! 

1 comment:

  1. 4 years OLD!? HOLY MOLY! I can and can't believe it. Love you so much momma!
