Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 12: Happy Anni to Me!!!

Day 12
Mom & Baby Yoga class

We had a great hour of yoga this morning. Four babies were chill enough for their mammas to get some pretty good yoga practice in. Of course, the class is an hour and fifteen minutes long and during that last chunk Jude decided he'd rather eat. :) But, I still LOVE going to classes. I've been looking for more mom & baby classes to check out, but I can't seem to find one that fits into our schedule. Maybe I need to start attending an evening or weekend class once a week, just for me... hmmm.

Today is November 11th and it's a very special anniversary for me. Probably no one else cares anymore, but six years ago today I quit smoking cigarettes!!! Yay for me. Good job, Becky. I remember something I  learned in, like, 8th grade health, and it's always stuck with me. We learned that 7 years after you quit smoking, your lung tissue will have healed back to their original condition. So, whether that's true or not, I believe that I'll have perfect lungs in a year. :)

I noticed something, and I don't want to jinx it by writing about it, but I'm going to anyway. I think that practicing yoga daily is helping my sleep habits. I've been a "night owl" my entire life: I've always had trouble falling asleep. Presently I have TERRIBLE sleep habits 1. because my baby boy likes to wake up every 1-3 hours all night long and 2. i still can't fall asleep most nights despite how overly exhausted and sleep deprived I am. BUT the past two nights I've actually fallen into a deep sleep quite early and effortlessly. I think it may be a benefit from practicing yoga every day. Let's hope it continues!! I woke up 4 or 5 nights ago and  realized something even more exciting: my jaw didn't hurt at all!!! In addition to staying up into the wee hours of the morning, I also clench my jaw and grind my teeth while I sleep. :( Most nights my jaw would be sooo tense and painful when I awoke. But, I think yoga may actually be healing that painful habit as well.

My mom needs to sleep.

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