Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 10: Get it while you can

Day 10
Yoga Energizing Flow 10 minutes
Namaste Yoga - Spinal Twist 25 minutes

I wanted to drink a glass of wine. I wanted to eat a cupcake. It was about 5pm and I was stalking SubFinder to line up a job for next week. No luck. Jude was happy in his high chair. Throwing books and toys on the floor. How did we get here already? How are we already in multiple teeth/sippy cup/and throwing toys off of our high chair-land??? He's a "real" baby already, not the fragile, wrinkled, tree-frog newborn that I brought home 23 weeks ago. And he's all boy. By that I mean that he is busy, kicking, climbing, scooting, rolling, active, spitting, making fart noises, excited, talking, jumping, springs in his legs, doesn't sit still unless he's asleep, 100% baby boy.

Who, me?

INSTEAD I made a cup of tea and I got down with some impromptu yoga in the kitchen. Jude was entertained for about 10 minutes before he wanted to get out & down. And, afterward, I do feel calmer. I can wait to have my glass of wine with dinner. I may still eat a cupcake for dessert. But, I got a little bit of yoga in for today... day 10. And perhaps I'll squeeze in a little bit more before the night is through.

UPDATE: I just finished a yoga program that I had recorded on the DVR. I feel good that I got some more yoga in today. I miss my "Yoga Way to Motherhood" class that we have been going to on Tuesdays. :(
I thought Jude would sleep through it, but he woke up just as I began. That's alright though, because he just chilled and played with his toys while I practiced. Except just as I was finishing he did something new. (Like he seems to do twice a day at least!) He was playing on his quilt on the floor, and then all of the sudden he noticed the DVD player, which is in a cabinet near floor level. He set his sights on it and scooted all the way up to it, like he wanted to push the buttons! Who is this baby boy scooting across the floor??? Someday soon I'm going to have to get out of denial and just admit that he is crawling.

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