Well, Oregon decided that weather-wise it's not summer anymore and we are experiencing a rain break. Honestly, I find it refreshing. I am a person who LOVES to be hot, hot, hot, but I am an Oregonian as well, and rain means I don't have to worry about watering the garden. ;)
Day 3: My gratitude belongs to my mama. I wrote out my feelings for her in a card, so I'll leave it at that. She is just the best Mom & Grandma.
Day 4: Yesterday. My gratitude would have to be towards my son & his 3-year-old independence. He is BLOWING me away with his growth, development and communication right now. I love having slow times with him, where I can just relax and go at his pace. So, yesterday he wanted to go to the zoo and I said, "sweet, let's do it!" It just so happened to be a very busy, crowded day at the zoo and I had to adapt my mindset to keep it relaxing and enjoyable. So, Jude and I had a conversation before we left the Jeep in the parking lot about how we were going to leave the (huge, cumbersome, but I love it so much jogger) stroller in the Jeep and how this means that he will need to walk the entire way, but he can do that because he's 3 now! (Mommy can't carry 30lbs of toddler for much longer than a few moments right now due to her growing belly.) He was super agreeable and completely on board.
We had a blast together. We rode the train for the first time since it opened this season! We shared a $7 corn dog meal, hid out in the bird-walk during a downpour, and saw all of the animals, of course. By the time we made it back to the Jeep, I think we both could have used a good 2 hour car nap.
"3" is just so awesome. I know it gets a bad rap, because there are unpleasantness's that go along with this age; whining, tantrums, meltdowns, power struggles, and the like, but it's so exciting to experience Jude really growing into his own. He's so proud of himself and each new thing he can do all by himself. He shows me each day how tall he is, how long his legs and arms are, and how he's theeees much closer to reaching the "wall" (read: ceiling). And he's absolutely right. He's growing right before my very eyes.
Haven't uploaded pictures from yesterday yet, so here's a recent one of Me & the Bear up to our usual shenanigans.
Day 5: Would be today. I'm grateful for this moment: right now. We're recovering from expending a ton of energy yesterday and we had a "3 year old" morning full of whining and, "don't do that!" "no, not like that!" and the like. And now my Bear is sound asleep in bed next to me (it's 1:30 PM) and I've no intention of doing much more than I'm already doing right now.
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