Just when I've committed to letting Jude take the lead of his own potty training experience, guess what he chooses to do?!
Tonight he peed in a public toilet... for the first time!
I am beyond excited and proud of him. Talk about surrendering, trusting, respecting, and letting go of control. If you recall my last post, I was ready to relax in the phase that we find ourselves in right now. Jude was potty trained at home, wearing pull ups when we went out, peeing in the yard, and really taking himself to the bathroom without much help from me. On Friday the boys gave me a "day off"while Papa Bear took him to the zoo and other adventures. In the evening I ended up locking myself out of my Jeep, so they drove across town to rescue me. Only later did I discover that Jude made this trip (and another) sans pull up. Totally Daddy's choice - and Jude was even asleep for the hour car ride! My husband is a brave, brave man.
So, yesterday and today Jude resisted wearing a pull up when we left the house. I am not insane enough to argue with my potty-training-3-year-old, insisting that he put a pull up ON, so we've been following his lead and letting him make this choice. (Knock on wood) NO accidents yet! Tonight was the same thing. We really didn't feel like cooking so we treated ourselves to dinner. Jude wanted to go commando so we let him. At the restaurant he told me when he had to pee and we went to the bathroom. Well, you know the rest.
I. Am. So. Proud.
GOOOO JUDE! I'm so proud of you too (and your mom) and I can't wait to hand out with you too) on a side note....LOVE the book rec. section!