Monday, December 10, 2012

LML = Love my Life

I was kind of kicking myself earlier because I fell off the meditation wagon.
Instead of continuing to kick myself, I came home after a busy day of outings and stopped mid-chores to sit down and meditate.

If you are one of the 3 people who read this (hi Miles, Emily & Jamie!) you know that I'm currently writing about the 21 day Deepak Chopra meditation challenge that I extended to my UC 45 day challenge. I have no idea what day I'm on at this moment...
The day after the challenge I felt anxious because I wanted to keep my meditation practice going, but the DC challenge was "officially" over. Every day of the challenge I would get an inspirational email and a link to a 15 minute guided meditation. Deepak would speak to me in his beautiful voice, inspire me and then soothing music would play while Deepak "minded the time". A little bell would sound when the time was over and Deepak would leave me with some closing thoughts and a Namaste.
So, yeah, day 22 I was nervous - what was I going to do without him! (No, I don't have "abandonment issues" from my childhood!)
(yes I do)

Spoiler Alert: Deepak sent a bonus meditation for day 22.

I kept my meditations going by signing into the challenge and listening to the recordings from the challenge. Except each one expired 10 days after it was posted! So, I lost access to them on day 32.

Anyways, I don't want to bore you with all these details. I got a bunch of meditation CDs that I'll try from my library. Today I listened to a "Meditation on Seeing the Good" by Sharon Salzman. I just rested on the floor and listened to her voice & reflected on the fact that all people want to be happy - may they be happy.

Then I wanted to write about how great today was.
1. I communicated with a Grandma Orangutan at the zoo this morning. We had an impromptu play date with friends. This orangutan was right next to the glass communicating with these little children. So I bent down and talked to her. My face was probably four inches away from her face. And she spoke back to me with her eyes. I totally had butterflies because animals do make me nervous. Then Jude popped up and put his face even closer to hers and said "Hi! Hi! Hi!" without any trepidation whatsoever.
2. Jude & his friend Logan were so adorable together. Over our snack time they played a game where they took turns poking each other while saying "poke!". They rubbed noses multiple times and even kissed once or twice. I kind of felt like her mom & I were chaperoning a toddler date. But I was cracking up.
3. I got back on the meditation wagon.

These people came into my "reflecting on the good in people" meditation today because there is SO much good in them. My sister Rachel & her husband, Yoda.

1 comment:

  1. I love Rachel and Yoda too! and where do you get these yoga DVDs? are they dvds or what? I'm in desperate need!!! podcasts? anyway...I'm so proud of you for doing this!
    I think of the old "45 days" thing often...maybe TOO often while living here... LOVE YOU SO MUCH
