Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Days 5, 6 and 7!

Ack! I'm getting behind!!! That's okay. I've been thinking constantly about gratitude, and a big part of this project is to STOP being so hard on myself.


Day 5 (Monday)
Today, I'm grateful for my neighbors. We bought a house two months ago and moved into this neighborhood where everyone is SO nice to us. Seriously, I could not have asked for better neighbors. Today we had a BBQ out in our double cul-de-sac to celebrate the last day of summer before the neighborhood kids went off to school. These families have been very welcoming to us, they have given us toys, furniture, and even fixed my Jeep. Jude plays out front with all the kids. It's pretty amazing. I'm grateful that I feel safe, and have a connection with my community.

Day 6 (Tuesday)
Jude & I took a walk for an hour today in the Nature Park. I am really grateful for our parks & rec district. When we were house hunting I really did not want to move out of our parks district because I love the rec centers, the affordable classes, pools, and numerous parks that have a strong focus on protecting the environment & exploring nature. Jude has always been my nature baby - he loves being outdoors.

Day 7 (Today)
I could write a very long book about how grateful I am for my mom. (I think I should, actually, and I might someday). Jude and I spent the afternoon with her today. We are just chilling at her new house right now. I'm grateful that she moved closer to us. I'm grateful that she & Bob are getting settled in Portland and that she's starting a job closer to her new home. I love the way that Jude looks at her with a huge smile on his face. I love that he runs to her with open arms and gives her hugs & kisses. She was truly the best mother to me and my siblings growing up, she STILL is - and she is the most beautiful, loving, open Grandma. I love that I gave her a grandson to spoil with snuggles, stories, songs, and love. I'm grateful that I spent today with her, and I'm grateful for every day that we get to spend together.

"Gwamma & Grampa Bob"
Best parents & Even better G-parents.

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