Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 15

I just put my 3 year old to bed for the last time. Sniffle. Tear. 
This guy ... 
I am so proud of him. Every single day. Some days I'm quick to be driven crazy and it makes me feel terrible. Because that's me being tired or distracted or impatient. Most days though I'm able to slow down and enjoy this world through his beautiful blue eyes. 

Today we ended up at the World Forestry Center. We had the place pretty much to ourselves. So we had about this much fun the entire time ... 
3 has been Huge. A baby sister, a year of preschool, a new cousin, getting dressed, superheroes galore, turning on lamps, and lots of peeing in the front yard. Just to mention a few milestones. All year long though, we've been looking ahead to four. It's been an amazing motivational tool as in, "Oh, only four year olds know how to put on their own pants. Maybe when you're four you can reach that lamp." Followed by, "Look mom! Your 3 year old can do it!" And now we're on the eve of four and I kind of want to just soak up every single second of this year. Every day. Every moment. I'm so damn lucky to get to spend every single day with him. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 14

Um sorry it's been over 45 days since I posted last! That was my goal - right?! 

I'm nursing my 8 month old baby girl at almost 6am. She's getting a top tooth - number 3! I've been so enjoying her two toof smile for 5 months but now she's moving on up! She now pulls herself up to stand on any piece of furniture available, sits herself up, lowers herself down, and is starting to cruise around the perimeter of the train table. She gets frustrated when she feels stuck but I get a huge smile when I offer my hand to assist her in moving on. Here she is napping outside this morning ... 

And 4 years ago today at 11am my water broke! That means the original bear cub's fourth birthday is coming up in two days from now! Here he is browsing the toy aisle at Fred Meyers ...
We had a beautifully chaotic birthday party Saturday with 15 kids in our backyard. There was a ball pit, tent, crawling tunnels, teepee, sand table, basketball hoop, soccer, and it was a fantastic free for all! 
What a perfect way to kick off our summer break! He also finished Chipmunk preschool this last week. I've heard it a million times, "they grow up so fast" and, yes, they do. 

All I can do is *bask*! 

Day 13

After preschool today I took the kids to the science museum. Jude wanted to go somewhere to see dinosaur bones. I think he was envisioning a complete t-Rex fossil or something really impressive, but I do my best. Our museum has full fossils of a Sabre Tooth Cat, Dire Wolf, and  a resin replica of an Allosaurus skull.

I think he enjoyed playing in the science playground, especially the baby area with his sister. 

Scarlett put many toys in her mouth, and I hope she didn't pick up anything too damaging germ-wise. I read or heard once that when your child does pick something up, the mother inhales whatever germ it is from the baby's breath, and her body automatically creates antibodies that are then given to the baby via breast milk. The article was titled something like "mommy kisses really do heal". I guess we'll find out?