The number 1 question people ask me about my pregnancy is, "Is this pregnancy different than your first?"
Of course, the short answer is Yes. :)
But, I'd love to elaborate.
The biggest difference is that I'm already caring for my 3 year old Bear Cub. This impacts a number of things.
#1. It's not about me.
The first time you're pregnant, you are the center of the universe. Enjoy it! You are creating life, you are a miracle, you are the embodiment of womanhood and feminine goddessness. The second time around, I feel that I am still all of these things, but it's just not about me anymore. And that's okay! It's more about our family growing, and most of all about Jude becoming a big brother. He embraces it, and that is the sweetest thing in the world. First, he named the baby "Jubie" and refused to call it anything else. Recently, he decided that her name will be Scarlett & corrects me when I call her Jubie. He also started referring to her as his baby sister & insists on hugging and kissing the belly several times a day. He talks to his baby sister directly through my belly button, as I'm sure is a popular gateway for lots of little people.
#2. Work
During my first pregnancy, I worked as a Substitute Teacher. I was fresh out of Grad. School and would commute for an hour to work in school districts way on the other side of town. I also provided childcare for two families on a weekly basis as well as lots of on-call babysitting. I also worked at Target on my Christmas break. What possessed me to take on that mind numbing job, I don't know. But, please never let me do that again.
I had the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do with my schedule! I didn't have to worry about anyone else, and especially about finding childcare.
This time, I am blessed not to be working outside of the home. I am employed as a sub, thankfully in my home district, and I did work up until last Christmas. Then I finally made a choice to put my career on hold and to accept the fact that the mothering work that I am doing is valuable and important. It is my life's work. This is a huge challenge for me because yes, we are living on less income, I can't buy everything that I want to, and I compare myself to those around me who always seem to be doing more. But, the important thing is that these are good challenges for me to work through and learn from. It's challenging in a positive way to learn to live with less. It helps me to focus on what's really important. I also have a lot of letting go to do when it comes to JUDGING and comparing myself against other people... this is my issue, not the fault of anybody else.
#3. Time in General!!!
Spoiler alert: Pregnancy makes you TIRED. Super tired. Your body is working incredibly hard and there are days when you should stay off the road and just stay in bed. Not possible with a 3 year old. They have an endless well of energy.
During this first trimester, I was very fatigued. But, Jude was still napping on a regular basis so I took advantage of that and napped with him. NO GUILT! Thank you, Jude. :)
It's true that the first trimester is the most exhausting. This was the same for both pregnancies. However, I don't recall that the debilitating exhaustion came BACK during the beginning of the third trimester and this time I was once again forcing myself to stay home and falling asleep on the floor, on the couch, anywhere I could grab a quick 10 minute nap - while keeping one eye open for the Bear.
I just find myself with less time in general. Or, I suppose I use it in a different way. We are constantly rushing when we are leaving the house. I don't like this feeling, but it might be just the way it is for anyone caring for small children. Time slips through my fingers.
I have, however, continued to prioritize myself, my well-being, and self care as a rule. It can be a challenge at times, but I find it allows me to be present and joyful when caring for my family. I cash in all of my childcare favors, "extra" cash, and spare time for Yoga classes, massage, and precious time with family and friends. During this pregnancy I've been blessed to receive prenatal massages as a gift and have received 7 so far??? I know, I am completely spoiled. I also attend 2 prenatal yoga classes each week.
Mama Bear & Cub - end of trimester 1, thereabouts
So, physically, things have been different. I am very blessed and thankful that my pregnancies have both been low risk, and without serious complications. I remember my first pregnancy with such fondness. I truly felt healthy, happy, glowing, and at my physical best.
This time around, I have a bit of a laundry list of minor complaints...
#1. Nausea: This lasted only through the first trimester, thank God. And I never actually threw up. I just felt nauseous every morning, every night, and most afternoons. I had trouble eating anything, especially in the mornings.
#2. Leg Cramps: The majority of mornings the FIRST thing that happens is I automatically stretch out my limbs and one of my legs will just LOCK UP and paralyze me in a state of extreme pain. I literally yell out in pain and am stuck until it passes. Not a great way to start the day. Now, I'm taking a calcium supplement and it seems to be helping. Meaning that it's no longer the majority of mornings, now it's down to probably 2 out of 7 days. Still sucks.
#3. Yeast Infections: I've had two. This is probably TMI, but I just want you to know that it's a reality. Drink lots of water!!! And now I'm taking a probiotic every day, which I think is helping immensely.
#4. Hemorrhoids: Definitely TMI. But, I had a terrible experience that caused a flare up of the roids that showed up into my life after giving birth the first time. It's been over two weeks and I'm still quite uncomfortable. If you would care to talk to me about this in real life, I will chat your little ear off about it.
#5. Anemia: Apparently I am slightly anemic! This may have contributed to my 3rd trimester exhaustion. I am feeling more energetic since I've added an iron supplement into my daily routine.
#6. Pregnancy Gingivitis: IS actually a thing. It affects some pregnant women and in different ways. I noticed after a routine cleaning that every single day when I flossed there was one spot in my mouth that would bleed profusely and without stopping. Yay. I was very nervous to call my dentist, especially since I'd experienced my first root canal last year. But, she was reassuring and said it happens a lot and it will go away after pregnancy, maybe after breastfeeding. I got an extra cleaning at the beginning of my 3rd trimester and now I have been prioritizing flossing EVERY SINGLE DAY. Okay, I missed yesterday, but that is IT, I promise.
#7. Pregnancy Migraines: Also a REAL thing! Who knew?! I had a few episodes where these flashing lightning bolts made up of triangles took over 3/4 of my field of vision and I couldn't see anything for about 30 minutes. I did not have a terrible headache, which is what I thought a migraine was???? So, I got to meet with a neurologist, which was actually awesome. He listened to me, asked great questions, and looked me over pretty well and I feel confident that I don't have any neurological disorders. Yay! Just wacky, trippy migraines that probably won't affect me at all after pregnancy.
#8. All these freaking supplements! Okay, before I got pregnant I didn't even take a vitamin. I took NOTHING each day, and I liked living this way. I try to get everything I need from a healthy and balanced diet. Now, each day I wake up and take a shot of Floradix (iron supplement) and a probiotic pill, because I need to take these 30 minutes before eating anything. Then, throughout the day I take a prenatal vitamin, 1-2 stool softeners (which I don't think are even helping me at all) and 2 calcium+vitamin D supplements. Add on to this daily routine a yeast infection treatment, attempts at hemorrhoid relief and flossing... oh the joys.
Mother's Day weekend - Trimester 2. With my sisters & our Papa Bob Bear.
Last but not least, let's talk about weight gain. With my first pregnancy, I gained about 30 lbs. It took me about a year to get back to my pre-preggo weight, although the truth is that your body changes shape and it will never be "the same". This time I really haven't gained much weight, maybe 10 lbs so far? I don't care as much, I'm not really counting, and I feel like it's all baby. I love my round belly and I love carrying this little girl with me everywhere I go. I think I look great, even though people seem to have to say stupid little things like, "Are you sure there's one in there?" "You're just about to pop!" etc, etc, etc.
Me & Rachel... she's having a BOY in December! Let the fun begin!!!
Thanks for reading my long post. I just wanted to get this all out there & now I can move on to funner topics.
Take Care!